The North East New Territories Landfill Extension (NENTX) Project is located adjacent to the existing North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill at Ta Kwu Ling in a valley covering mainly the existing NENT Landfill Stockpile and Borrow Area at the eastern part of the NENT Landfill.
The NENTX is a Designated Project. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Register No.: AEIAR-111/2007) was approved on 20 September 2007. The project is governed by Environmental Permit (EP) (EP-292/2007) which was granted approval on 26 November 2007. A Further EP (FEP) has been applied and the FEP (FEP-02/292/2007) was subsequently granted to NENTX’s main contractor, Veolia Hong Kong Holding Limited (VHK) in August 2023.
Under the FEP, VHK is required to set up a dedicated website for displaying the monitoring data and project information. This website contains the latest information in relation to the Community Liaison Group, and the relevant monitoring data and project information including Project Background, EIAO Documents, EP Submissions, EM&A Reports and EM&A Data.