Agreement No. CE 20/2004(EP) North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension


Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Report (No. 1) – December 2022




                             ET Certificate

IEC Verification




Executive Summary. 1

1.  Introduction. 3

2.  Project Information. 5

3.  Air Quality Monitoring. 10

4   Noise Monitoring. 18

5   Water Quality Monitoring. 23

6   Waste Management 31

7   Landfill Gas Monitoring. 32

8   Landscape and Visual 36

9   Cultural Heritage. 37

10 Ecological Monitoring. 38

11 Site Inspection and Audit 39

12 Environmental Non-conformance. 40

13 Implementation Status on Environmental Mitigation Measures. 41

14 Future Key Issues. 42

15 Conclusion. 43



Figure 1

Location of the Project Site

Figure 2

Impact Monitoring Locations


Appendix A

Construction Program

Appendix B

Project Organization Chart & Management Structure

Appendix C

Monitoring Schedule for Reporting Month & Next Month

Appendix D

Calibration Certificates

Appendix E

Monitoring Results

Appendix F

Graphical Presentations

Appendix G

Notification of Environmental Quality Limits Exceedance

Appendix H

Wind Data

Appendix I

Waste Flow Table

Appendix J

Joint Environmental Site Inspection Records

Appendix K

Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS)

Appendix L

Appendix M

Appendix N

Construction Site Activities

Mitigation Measures of Cultural Landscape Features

Ecological monitoring record

Appendix O

Investigation Report

Appendix P

Detail Status of Submissions required under the FEP & EP

Executive Summary

Aurecon Hong Kong Limited (Aurecon) was appointed to undertake the role of Environmental Team (ET) and carry out Environmental Monitoring and Audit for the North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension.


The construction phase and EM&A programme of the Project commenced on 1 December 2022.


This 1st Monthly EM&A Report presents the EM&A works conducted from 1 December 2022 to 31 December 2022 in accordance with the EM&A Manual.

Summary of Construction Works undertaken during Report Period

The major construction works undertaken during the reporting period include:

-             Material loading and unloading, site traffic

-             Site clearance

-             Installation of permanent fencing

-             Site formation

-             Tree felling

Environmental Monitoring and Audit Progress

A summary of the monitoring activities in this reporting period is listed below:




-      Air Quality Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

5 times

5, 10, 16, 22 & 28 December 2022

-      Construction Noise Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

4 times

6, 16, 22 & 28 December 2022

-      Surface Water Quality Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

1 time

5 December 2022

-      Landfill Gas Monitoring during normal weekdays for Construction Works

24 times

1 to 6, 8 to 10, 12 to 17, 19 to 24, 28 to 31 December 2022

-      Post-translocation Monitoring during normal weekdays at recipient site

1 time

29 December 2022

-      Post-transplantation monitoring and audit during normal weekdays for transplanted plants and receptor sites

2 time

9 & 21 December 2022

-      Joint Environmental Site Inspection

4 times

5, 12, 19 & 28 December 2022


Environmental Exceedance/Non-conformance/Compliant/Summons and Prosecution


No exceedance of the Action and Limit Levels was recorded at designated monitoring stations during the reporting period.


No non-compliance event and complaint were recorded during the reporting period.


No summons/prosecutions were received in this reporting period.


One complaint on 20 December 2022 was received by the public relations officer of the Contractor the reporting period. There is no direct evidence showing that the complaint is likely related to NENTX project.

Reporting Change

There was no reporting change in the reporting period.

Future Key Issues

Works to be undertaken in the next month include:

-             Material loading and unloading, site traffic

-             Permanent site office foundation works with pouring of concrete

-             Site clearance

-             Installation of permanent fencing

-             Site formation

-             Tree felling


Potential environmental impacts arising from the above construction activities are mainly associated with air quality, construction noise, water quality, waste management, landfill gas monitoring, landscape and visual, cultural heritage and ecology.

1.                  Introduction

1.1.              Background

1.1.1.            The North East New Territories Landfill Extension (the NENTX Project) is located adjacent to the existing North East New Territories (NENT) Landfill at Ta Kwu Ling. The extension site is located in a valley covering mainly the existing NENT Landfill Stockpile and Borrow Area that was formed to the east of the existing landfill as part of the original site development of the landfill, and layout plan shown in Figure 1.

1.1.2.            The NENTX is a designated project. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (AEIAR-111/2007) and an Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual were approved on 20 September 2007. The project is governed by an Environmental Permit (EP) (EP-292/2007) which was granted on 26 November 2007. A further of EP (FEP) was applied and the FEP (FEP-01/292/2007) was subsequently granted on 28 April 2022.

1.1.3.            In accordance with the requirements specified in Section 2.6 to 2.10 and Section 12.3 of the approved Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual and Environmental Permit (EP and FEP) condition 3.3, Monthly EM&A report should be submitted to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP), within 2 weeks after the end of the reporting month. The submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC).

1.1.4.            The construction phase and EM&A programme of the Project commenced on 1 December 2022.

1.2.              Nature, Scale and Scope of the captioned Designated Project

1.2.1            The Nature, Scale and Scope of the captioned Designated Project is presented in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1      Nature, Scale and Scope of the captioned Designated Project



Nature of Designated Project

Construction and operation of a landfill for waste as defined in the “Waste Disposal Ordinance” (Cap. 354)

Scale and Scope of Designated Project

The Project mainly consists of the followings: -

Construction and operation of a landfill extension of about 70 hectares with a target void space of at least 19 million cubic metres on the eastern side of the existing NENT Landfill, including the followings: -

   i.          Site formation and preparation;

  ii.          Installation of liner system;

iii.          Installation of leachate collection, treatment and disposal facilities;

iv.          Installation of gas collection, utilization and management facilities;

  v.          Utilities provisions and drainage diversion;

vi.          Landfilling operation;

vii.          Restoration and aftercare in subsequent stages; and

viii.          Measures to mitigate environmental impacts as well as environmental monitoring and auditing to be implemented.

1.3.              Purpose of this Report

1.3.1.            This is the 1st Monthly EM&A Report which summarises the impact monitoring results and audit findings for the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 01 December 2022 to 31 December 2022.

1.4.              Structure of the Report

1.4.1.            The structure of the report is as follows:

Section 1 – Introduction

-       details the background, purpose and structure of the report.

Section 2Project Information

-       summarises background and scope of the Project, site description, project organization and contact details, construction programme, the construction works undertaken and the status of Environmental Permit(s)/License(s) during the reporting period.

Section 3 – Air Quality Monitoring

-       Construction Dust

Section 4 – Noise Monitoring

Section 5 – Water Quality Monitoring

-       Groundwater Monitoring

-       Surface Water Monitoring

Section 6 – Waste Management

Section 7 – Landfill Gas Monitoring

Section 8 – Landscape and Visual

Section 9 – Cultural Heritage

Section 10 – Ecological Monitoring

Section 11 – Site Inspection and Audit

Section 12 – Environmental Non-Conformance

Section 13 – Implementation Status on Environmental Mitigation Measures

Section 14 – Future Key Issues

2.                  Project Information

2.1.              Construction Activities

2.1.1.            A summary of the major construction activities undertaken in this reporting period is shown in Table 2-1. Construction programme is illustrated in Appendix A. Detailed construction activities and the construction layout plan are summarized in Appendix L.

Table 2-1       Major Construction Activities Undertaken in the Reporting Period

Construction Activities Undertaken

-             Material loading and unloading, site traffic

-             Site clearance

-             Site formation

-             Tree felling

2.2.              Project Organization & Management Structure

2.2.1.            The Project Organization Chart & Management Structure are shown in Appendix B. The key personnel contact information is summarized in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2      Contact Information of Key Personnel



Contact Number


(Veolia Environmental Service Hong Kong Holding Ltd.)

Mr. William Wan

2902 5296

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

(Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Ltd.)

Ms. Claudine Lee

2859 5409

Environmental Team Leader (ET)

(Aurecon Hong Kong Limited)

Mr. Fredrick Leong

3664 6888

2.3.              Status of Submission required under the FEP & EP

2.3.1.            The status of statutory environmental compliance with the EP conditions under the EIAO, submission status under the FEP & EP are presented in Table 2-3. The detail status of statutory environmental compliance with the EP conditions under the EIAO, submission status under the FEP & EP for NENTX project are shown in Appendix P.

Table 2-3    Status of Submissions required under the FEP & EP

FEP Condition

EP Condition

Submission / Measures




Management Organization of Main Construction Companies

Submission Date (12 Oct 2022)



Setting up of Community Liaison Group

Submission Date (12 Oct 2022)



Submission of EM&A Manual

Submission Date (12 Oct 2022)



Submission of Vegetation Survey (Transplantation Proposal)

Submission Date (2 September 2022)



Submission of translocation proposal

Submission Date (8 July 2022)



Submission of Transplantation Report

Submission Date (19 Jan 2023)


2nd transplantation monitoring

(9 Dec 2022)

3rd transplantation monitoring

(21 Dec 2022)



Translocation and translocation monitoring

Translocation was carried out in July 2022

Submission Date (27 December 2022)


5th translocation monitoring

(29 Dec 2022)



Submission of Detailed Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Report

Submission Date (6 Oct 2022)



Submission of Waste Management Plan

Submission Date (30 December 2022)



Submission of Baseline Monitoring Report

Submission Date (30 Nov 2022)

2.4.              Status of Environmental Approval Document

2.4.1.            A summary of the relevant valid permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Project since the granting of the EP is presented in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4   Summary of the relevant valid permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection

Permit / Licenses / Notification


Expiry Date


Environmental Permit (EP)


Throughout the Contract

Permit granted on 26

November 2007

Further Environmental Permit (FEP)


Throughout the Contract

Permit granted on 28

April 2022

Notification of Construction Works as required under Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation


Throughout the Contract

Approved on 13 May 2022

Registration of Waste Producer under Waste Disposal Ordinance


Throughout the Contract

Approved on 13 April 2022

Registration as Chemical Waste Producer



Throughout the Contract

Approved on 11 July 2022

Construction Noise



28 February 2023

Approved on 29 November 2022

Effluent Discharge License under Water Pollution Control Ordinance


31 October 2027

Approved on 18 October 2022


2.5.              Environmental Monitoring and Audit Progress

2.5.1.            A summary of the monitoring activities in this reporting period is presented in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5     Summary of the Monitoring Activities in this reporting period




-      Air Quality Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

5 times

5, 10, 16, 22 & 28 December 2022

-      Construction Noise Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

4 times

6, 16, 22 & 28 December 2022

-      Surface Water Quality Monitoring during normal weekdays at each monitoring station

1 time

5 December 2022

-      Landfill Gas Monitoring during normal weekdays for Construction Works

24 times

1 to 6, 8 to 10, 12 to 17, 19 to 24, 28 to 31 December 2022

-      Post-translocation Monitoring during normal weekdays at recipient site

1 time

29 December 2022

-      Post-transplantation monitoring and audit during normal weekdays for transplanted plants and receptor sites

2 time

9 & 21 December 2022

-      Joint Environmental Site Inspection

4 times

5, 12, 19 & 28 December 2022


Air Quality


5 sets of 1-hr TSP & 24-hr TSP construction dust measurement were carried out at each monitoring stations during normal weekdays of the reporting period. No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of construction dust was recorded during the reporting period.




4 sets of 30-minute construction noise measurement were carried out at each monitoring stations during normal weekdays of the reporting period. No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of construction noise was recorded during the reporting period.




Site clearance of future landfilling area is in progress. The installation of groundwater monitoring boreholes will be installed after the site formation work of the landfilling area. The target commencement period of groundwater monitoring will be in 2026.


Surface Water Quality


1 set of surface water quality measurement were carried out at each monitoring stations during normal weekdays of the reporting period. No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of surface water quality was recorded during the reporting period.


Landfill Gas


24 sets of landfill gas measurement were carried out at a designated monitoring location during normal weekdays of the reporting period. No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of landfill gas was recorded during the reporting period.

Landscape and Visual


All the specified and affected LCAs, LRs and VSRs have been monitored during the reporting period. No exceedance of Action and Limit Levels of landscape and visual was recorded during the reporting period.


Cultural Heritage


Implementation of the mitigation measures during construction phase of the Project has been monitored through the regular site inspection/audit.




1 set of post-translocation monitoring at recipient site and 2 sets of post-transplantation monitoring and audit for transplanted plants and receptor sites during normal weekdays of the reporting period were carried out. Implementation of the mitigation measures during construction phase of the Project has been monitored through the regular site inspection/audit.


Environmental Site Inspection


ET weekly environmental site inspections were carried out on 05, 12, 19 & 28 December 2022. A joint environmental site inspection was carried out by the representatives of the Employer's Representative (ER), the Contractor, IEC and the ET on 19 December 2022. The Contractor has generally implemented the mitigation measures as recommended.

3.              Air Quality Monitoring

3.1            Construction Dust

3.1.1        Monitoring Requirement      In accordance with the EM&A Manual, 1-hr & 24-hr Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) levels should be measured at the designated air quality monitoring stations in every 6 days to ensure that any deteriorating air quality could be readily detected, and timely action shall be undertaken to rectify such situation. For 1-hr TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs. The specific time to start and stop the 24- hr TSP monitoring shall be clearly defined for each location.

3.1.2        Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Location      According to the EM&A Manual, three monitoring stations namely AM(D)1, AM(D)2 and AM(D)3 are selected for the impact monitoring.      A baseline monitoring plan has been submitted to IEC and EPD on 31 May 2022 including the proposal with justification of change of monitoring locations. Due to limited access to the original monitoring locations at AM(D)1, AM(D)2 and AM(D)3, the adjusted stations at AM1, AM2 and AM3 were agreed with IEC prior to the baseline and impact monitoring. The locations of adjusted dust monitoring locations are shown in Figure 2.      The detailed monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix C. The locations of dust monitoring stations are shown in Table 3-1. The monitoring parameters, frequency and duration are shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-1          Locations of Dust Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Station



Monitoring Parameters


Tung Lo Hang

1-hr and 24-hr TSP


Heung Yuen Wai

1-hr and 24-hr TSP


Wo Keng Shan Tsuen

1-hr and 24-hr TSP


The contractor passed correspondence including original monitoring locations specified on the existing EM&A Manual to the village representatives on 26 April 2022. After a meeting with Ta Kwu Ling District Rural Committee (RC) Chairman, representative from the RC and a few villagers on 1 May 2022, all the Village Heads of Wo Keng Shan Tsuen, Heung Yuen Wai and Lin Ma Hang verbally refused to accept our proposal for installation of dust and / or noise monitoring equipment within or next to their villages, for the baseline & impact monitoring.

AM(D)1 Tung Lo Hang, AM(D)2 Heung Yuen Wai, AM(D)3 Wo Keng Shan Tsuen are the air monitoring stations for the construction phase EM&A programme as identified in the approved EM&A Manual for the Project. The access to Tung Lo Hang, Heung Yuen Wai and Wo Keng Shan Tsuen were denied.  A search for alternative air monitoring locations (AM1, AM2 & AM3) was carried out during the site visit.

The Baseline Monitoring Plan has been submitted to IEC including the proposal of change of monitoring locations on 31 May 2022. This arrangement was conducted between baseline and impact monitoring and has been agreed by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC).

Due to the adjustment of the location of AM(D)1, AM(D)2 & AM(D)3to AM1, AM2 & AM3, the measured air quality levels at AM1, AM2 & AM3 would represent the air quality levels at AM(D)1, AM(D)2 & AM(D)3.

Table 3-2          Dust Impact Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

Monitoring Station


Frequency and Duration

AM1, AM2, AM3

1-hr TSP

At least 3 times per 6 days

24-hr TSP

1 time per 6 days

3.1.3        Monitoring Equipment      High volume samplers (HVSs) were used for carrying out 24-hr TSP monitoring.   For 1-hr TSP monitoring, direct reading dust meters were used to measure 1-hr TSP levels.      Table 3-3 summarises the equipment that were used in the dust monitoring programme.  The calibration certificates are shown in Appendix D.


Table 3-3        Dust Monitoring Equipment




Monitoring Station

High Volume Sampler (HVS)

TE-5170X (S/N: 1105)


TE-5170X (S/N: 1106)


TE-5170X (S/N: 1856)


Direct Reading Dust Meter

Sibata LD-5R (S/N: 0Z4545)

AM1 to AM3

Sibata LD-5R (S/N: 882106)

Sibata LD-5R (S/N: 882110)

Sibata LD-5R (S/N: 942532)

Calibration Kit (for HVS)

TE-5025A (S/N: 3465)

AM1 to AM3


3.1.4        Monitoring Methodology

1-hr TSP Monitoring      The 1-hr TSP impact monitoring was conducted using a portable direct reading dust meter.

Measuring Procedures      The measuring procedures of the 1-hr dust meter has been undertaken in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual as follows:


Procedure of starting monitoring


     Place the 1-hr dust meter at least 1.3m above ground;

     Turn on the “On/Off” button at the side of instrument. Program will be changed to “BG” mode and leave it for 1 minute.

     Pull out the Suction adaptor and turn the button at the side. Cover with hand at the suction adaptor measure the background for 10 seconds.

     Press “UP” and “DOWN” for choosing “SPAM Mode” for SPAM Measurement.

     Press “Up” and “Down” to select “Measurement Mode” with 60 minutes interval and unit in ug/m3.

     Press “Start/Stop” to start monitoring.

Procedure of setting measurement timer


     Press “Up” or “Down” to find “Setting LOG”.

     Select “Record Cycle” and change the record time subject to different project requirement. For example, setting the record cycle as 60 minutes for normal operation.

     Press “ESCAPS” back to the main page.

     Press “Up” or “Down” to access “Measurement Timer” and select “Measurement time” to change the time to 3 hours.

    Information such as sampling date, time, count value and site condition will be recorded during the monitoring period.

Calibration & Maintenance      The direct reading dust meters will be verified against calibrated high volume samples (HVSs) annually. A 2-day, three 3-hour measurement results per day from direct reading dust meter will be taken to compare with the sampling results from the HVS. The correlation between the direct reading dust meter and the HVS will then be concluded. By accounting for the correlation factor, the direct reading dust meter will be considered to achieve comparable results as that of the HVS.      All digital dust indicator will be calibrated with on-site HVS annually. Calibration certificate will be provided after calibration.

Quality Audit      Checklist of regular checking for digital dust meter will be conducted bi-weekly by environmental technician to ensure the all-digital dust meter are in good condition and submitted to supervisors. All checklists will be kept by supervisors.      Logbook is provided to environmental technician record the transferal of equipment to other colleagues, reporting to supervisors is required.


24-hr TSP Monitoring      The 24-hr TSP monitoring has been conducted using a High-Volume Sampler (HVS).

Measuring Procedures      The HVS has been set-up at the monitoring location with a fixed power supply for operation. The measuring procedures of the 24-hr TSP measurements has been undertaken in accordance with the specifications listed in the EM&A Manual.  Each HVS includes a motor, a filter holder, a flow controller and a sampling inlet in accordance with the performance specification of the USEPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B. The measuring procedures of the 24-hr dust meter was undertaken in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual as follows:


     The power supply will be checked to ensure the HVS works properly;

    The filter holder and the area surrounding the filter will be cleaned;

    The filter holder will be removed by loosening the four bolts and a new filter on a supporting screen will be aligned carefully;

    The filter will be properly aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an airtight seal on the outer edges of the filter;

    The swing bolts will be fastened to hold the filter holder down to the frame.  The pressure applied should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edges;

    The shelter lid will be closed and secured with the aluminium strip;

    The HVS will be warmed-up to establish run-temperature conditions;

    A new flowrate record sheet will be set into the flow recorder;

    The programmable timer will be set for a sampling period of 24 hour, and the starting time, weather condition and the filter number will be recorded;

    The initial elapsed time will be recorded;

    At the end of sampling, the sampled filter will be removed carefully and folded in half-length so that only surfaces with collected particulate matter will be in contact;

    The sample will be placed in a clean plastic envelope and sealed;

    All monitoring information will be recorded on a standard data sheet; and

    The filters will be taken back to HOKLAS accredited laboratory for analysis.      In addition, site conditions and dust sources were recorded in a standard form for direct input into a database.

Calibration & Maintenance    The high volume motors and their accessories should be properly maintained, including routine motor brushes replacement and electrical wiring checking, to ensure that the equipment and a continuous power supply were in good working condition.    Initial calibration of dust monitoring equipment shall be conducted upon installation and thereafter at bi-monthly intervals. The transfer standard shall be traceable to the internationally recognized primary standard and be calibrated annually.


The detail procedure of calibration of HVS is listed below:


1.       Make sure the electrical circuit is connected properly. The motor should be directly connected to the power source.

2.       Open the top cover and unlock the screws at the four corners.

3.       Install the variable orifice and adapter plate to high volume air sample. Tighten the nut securely. Turn the knob of orifice clock-wise to close the four holes on the bottom open.

4.       Hold the water manometer on the cover of mass flow controller vertically. Connect one side of a water manometer to the pressure tap on the side of the orifice with a rubber vacuum tube. Leave opposite side of the manometer open to the atmosphere.

5.       Turn on the sampler

6.       Turn the knob orifice counter clock-wise to adjust the openings the four holes on the bottom open. Record the manometer reading and the reading from continuous flow recorder. At least 5 sets of data should be recorded.

3.1.5        Monitoring Results      The impact dust monitoring results are summarized in Table 3-4 and Table 3-5. The monitoring data together with graphical presentations are presented in Appendix E and Appendix F.

Table 3-4          Summary of Impact 1-hr TSP Monitoring Results

Dust Monitoring Station

Average 1-hr TSP Concentration, µg/m³ (Range)

Action Level, µg/m³

Limit Level, µg/m³



(44 – 65)





(45 – 61)





(57 – 68)



Table 3-5          Summary of Impact 24-hr TSP Monitoring Results

Dust Monitoring Station

Average 24-hr TSP Concentration, µg/m³ (Range)

Action Level, µg/m³